About the course creator

Hi there!

I'm Sarah Courtney. I'm a Teacher and student in Masters of Education, cognitive psychology and learning practices.

I'm also a mum of 3 under 6, business owner, wife and blogger.

I started out working in early childhood back in 2009. After completing my Certificate III & Diploma in Children's Services I completed my undergraduate Bachelor of Education, specialising in Early Childhood. In Australia, that means I can teach up to year 10 as well as early childhood kindergarten settings.

I was a multilevel classroom teacher for years 4 and 5 in 2012-2014 when I went on maternity leave for my first son. When he was 18 months old, I returned to teaching AUSLAN (Australian Sign Language) for 12 months until I had my second child. When she turned 18 months, I created the preliteracy curriculum called 'Baby Brain Connections.' This business was for rural and regional infants and parents who wanted to directly challenge and support their child in developing brain connections.

Baby Brain Connections won a local business award in 2018 for 'Best New Business.' It's weekly classes and events would support sensory development, communication, motor skills, musical, proprioception, vestibular, social and emotional skills.

Today, I have professionals wanting to understand how neuroscience can be used for educational purposes and reaching better learning outcomes. My courses can be used by parents, teachers and early childhood educators who want to understand how they can gain an understanding of the cognitive processes for learning and replicate that in their home or classroom.

If you have any question feel free to email me.

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